75 Minutes Grammar Intensive

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Free of Charge! We proudly present:

Why is it so difficult to get good grades in English exams?

Grammar plays a pivotal role in any English exams, no matter in school tests or in the public exam. Yet, school teachers have long been teaching in an old-fashioned way that never works.


In this free 75-minute class developed by our 5** teaching team, you will learn about the three main levels of English grammar (Word, Phrase and Clause). Understand the rules of grammar and say bye to rote learning! Medium of instruction will be in Cantonese.

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Free of charge! Just pay for shipping and notes printing ($60)

This is an online class. Lecture notes will be delivered to you by SF Express.


Grammar? It's as simple as that.

75 minutes is all it takes to improve your grammar

A theme-oriented learning experience

Our goal is to nurture self-motivated learners


5** teaching team

Bringing you the best grammar course

Hands-on applications

Nail your writing with perfection

Tutorial centers merely cram meaningless lists of stock phrases into students. We do not believe in spoon-feeding. Here you will learn the reasoning behind grammar rules in a systematic and gamified curriculum with joy.

Our 5** teaching team from HKU Linguistics is here to help you learn grammar in our professionally designed course. We are also thrilled to have SCMP Young Post as our content partner. Don't worry, you're in good hands!

Understanding all the rules is not enough; the point is how to utilize them. We will show you, through different writing samples, how to elevate your writing to another level. Let’s make your writing more than satisfactory.

Conquer with Confidence

The 200-page theme-oriented lecture notes you can trust

Top-notch sentence examples

Learn from the best with SCMP Young Post, the city's most representative publication powerhouse.

Systematic learning in easy steps

We approach the course systematically to maximize learning outcomes, helping you grasp the subtleties of grammatical items.

You’re still reciting? Come on, let’s start learning the smart way!

Clear grammar rules with explanations

We make mistakes, but we learn from them. Generate tactics from various common errors!

Tactics to avoid traps

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Free of charge! Just pay for shipping and notes printing ($60)

This is an online class. Lecture notes will be delivered to you by SF Express.

Meet your tutor: Mr. J

Your DSE English Strategist

“HKDSE English Language is mainly a testament of skills. If you harness the power of skills while having a strong foundation and a pinch of luck, you will surely succeed in the quest of capturing 5**.” - Mr. J

Mr. J is a seasoned star tutor specialising in HKDSE English Language. Well-equipped with knowledge, skills, passion and experience, he has been teaching English for more than six years, helping hundreds of students ace the HKDSE English Language exam.

During his time in HKU pursuing a degree in BBA & Law, his legal expertise and love for debating has been expanding his professional vocabulary while making him lyrical and presentable, so you are guaranteed to enjoy learning English through his unique and logical lessons.

Over the years, Mr. J has perfected an exclusive set of strategies which has benefitted numerous students.


Last updated on 2/3 11:03


12/3 (Sat) 14:00 - 15:15

14/3 (Mon) 18:00 - 19:15

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Free of charge! Just pay for shipping and notes printing ($60)

This is an online class. Lecture notes will be delivered to you by SF Express.



重讀生 Katie

DSE Level 3 -> 5

上堂講咗好多唔同嘅技巧, 我從來冇想過一啲數學題可以完全唔使思考, 完全改變左對數學嘅諗法。上堂淨係講重點同埋係考dse 需要識嘅嘢, 唔會浪費時間。

2019考生 Zoey

數學一向好弱, 但係自從f4開始就補你跟你, 做數成績提高左好多 雖然基本上完全同學校老師教的5同, 但又快過同學好多又答啱 其實三年黎, 我成日5記得你教過咩, 仲要成日wts炸你機煩住曬

DSE Level 5

補完之後數學好左好多識得用技巧去考試, 對呢科有多左信心阿sir好有心機教書, 又唔介意wts炸佢問數對教學好有熱誠仲成日請我食野無你我都無呢個成績

2019考生 Jennifer

DSE Level 5*

Your journey starts here

75 minutes is all it takes to improve your grammar

Join for free!

Free of charge! Just pay for shipping and notes printing ($60)

This is an online class. Lecture notes will be delivered to you by SF Express.


75 Minutes Grammar Intensive

Join for free!

We proudly present:

Why is it so difficult to get good grades in English exams?


Free of charge! Just pay for shipping and notes printing ($60)

This is an online class. Lecture notes will be delivered to you by SF Express.

Medium of instruction will be in Cantonese.

Grammar plays a pivotal role in any English exams, no matter in school tests or in the public exam. Yet, school teachers have long been teaching in an old-fashioned way that never works.

In this free 75-minute class developed by our 5** teaching team, you will learn about the three main levels of English grammar (Word, Phrase and Clause). Understand the rules of grammar and say bye to rote learning!


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